If you have a friend who recently had a baby, consider these unique, practical and thoughtful gifts for a new mom.
As a fourth time mom, I have a pretty good handle on what it’s like to birth babies and also recover from birthing babies. Some days, you just want a little peace and quiet, and other days, you can’t wait for a friend to drop by so you can chat with an adult. If you have a friend who recently had a baby, consider these unique, practical and thoughtful gifts for a new mom.
Note: Some of these gifts for a new mom are more expensive than others, so it may make sense to go in with a friend or two as a shared gift.
- 1. Home-Cooked Meal
- 2. One-Time Meal Kit
- 3. Favorite Takeout or Delivered Dinner
- 4. Take Older Kids Away to Play One Afternoon
- 5. Busy Toy Ideas for Older Kids
- 6. Next Size Up in Diapers
- 7. One-Time Maid Service
- 8. Car Service
- 9. Baby Backup Kit
- 10. Nursing Station Kit
- 11. Postpartum Bath Kit
- 12. Lactation Cookies
1. Home-Cooked Meal
A healthy home-cooked meal is a simple but thoughtful gift for a new mom. As she is recovering from delivery, worrying about dinner is one less task on her plate. Try to plan a well-rounded meal that includes vegetables. And be sure to ask about food preferences and allergies.
2. One-Time Meal Kit
Meal kits are all the rage these days. If you don’t have time to cook a meal for a new mom, ordering a meal kit makes it super simple for her or her spouse to whip up dinner in less than 30 minutes. If you’re really creative, you can also make your own meal kit for a new mom. Tacos with all the fixings is a great inexpensive idea.
3. Favorite Takeout or Delivered Dinner
Sometimes all a new mom really wants is a bit of comfort food—healthy or not. Ask about her favorite takeout or delivery joint, then coordinate with her to find the right night to send her a meal.
4. Take Older Kids Away to Play One Afternoon
If a new mom has multiple children, offer to take the older kids on an outing one afternoon. It can be as simple as a trip to the park followed by ice cream. A couple hour break will give her the chance to rest while getting the older kids out for entertainment.
5. Busy Toy Ideas for Older Kids
Sometimes, the best gift for a new mom is a few minutes of peace while she handles all the necessary baby tasks like feeding, changing and bathing. If a mom has multiple kids, think about a gift for her that is really the gift of entertainment for them. Make a busy box for toddlers or gift magnetic building tiles, Legos, age-appropriate board games or puzzles for older kids to enjoy. This way, when mom needs to feed the baby, she can take out your special gift for her older kids to keep them occupied.
6. Next Size Up in Diapers
Can a new mom ever have too many diapers? If you want to do her a huge favor, buy her a box of the next size up in diapers. Babies grow so fast that it seems like they graduate to the next size in diapers overnight, and the last thing she wants to do is not be prepared.

7. One-Time Maid Service
Every woman loves a clean home, but taking care of your house is exponentially harder with every new baby. If you go in together with a couple friends to gift her a maid service as she’s recovering from childbirth, she will be indebtedly grateful.
8. Car Service
The last thing a new mom wants to do is take her newborn out to get car work done. If you know a new mom needs car service such as an oil change, tire rotation or new brake pads, offer to take her car to be serviced.
9. Baby Backup Kit
Most new moms have a diaper bag packed and ready to go, but creating a baby backup kit gives her a little peace of mind. She may keep the kit at the grandparent’s house or in her spouse’s car. Stock your kit in a cute inexpensive bag with all the basic diaper bag essentials: diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, set of clothes, pacifier, burp cloth, hand sanitizer and changing pad.
10. Nursing Station Kit
If your new mom friend is breastfeeding, she will love a nursing station kit. Find a cute caddy and stock it with breastfeeding essentials such as a water bottle, nursing pads, burp cloth, nipple cream and convenient snacks. She may keep it in her nursery, but she can also move it around her home or take it with her when she travels.
11. Postpartum Bath Kit
Recovering from birth takes weeks and baths are an excellent way for the postpartum body to heal. Use a waterproof caddy to create a special bath kit for a new mom. Include items such as a sitz bath soak, tea tree and lavender essential oils, postpartum tea, bath pillow, gentle bath sponge and natural body wash.
12. Lactation Cookies
If a new mom is breastfeeding, she will love the surprise gift of lactation cookies as her milk supply is regulating. If she doesn’t need them right away, she has the option of freezing them for when she does. You can order and ship her a batch, gift her a mix or bake your own.
What are your go-to gifts for a new mom?