GENDER: Looks like we have a 50/50 chance of having another boy.
WEIGHT GAIN: 5 pounds as of 14 weeks. Will get an update next week at my appointment.
CRAVINGS: I was craving pizza last weekend, only because James flaunted a $5 pizza from Little Caesar’s one night. But that craving was indulged at a work lunch on Monday where I got a gluten-free pizza at Maddio’s. Delicious pizza, terrible service. I’ll leave it at that.
I can tell you one thing I’m not eating enough: veggies. I’ve got to make more of a point to get them in this week. My go-to salad is calling my name.
MATERNITY CLOTHES: I broke out the belly band two days this week. As great as it is, I feel like I’m always adjusting it to make sure it’s laying flat. I’m now left with two pairs of work pants that I can wear sans belly band. That’s about it. Once again, gym pants and shorts are awesome because of the stretch factor.
I recently bought some maternity summer clothes from Old Navy because they were on sale and I had a discount code. I was a little scared to buy a fitted maxi dress, but bought a maxi skirt that I think I will love, as well as a couple basic tanks and a pair of jean shorts. Yes, I know. Jean shorts. But there are only limited options when it comes to maternity clothes, and I didn’t want to spend a fortune on anything.
SYMPTOMS: Still feeling small movement, which I love. Can’t wait til it’s more and more prominent.
Fatigue. I think this will be an ongoing symptom, but I’m just plain tired. No sign of the second trimester surge of energy most women talk about. But hopefully this means that once Baby #2 is here, I won’t miss a beat because I’m already prepared. Wishful thinking.
WORKOUTS: Workout frequency this week has been on par to when I was pregnant with James Michael. I made it to the gym on Monday, and tweaked the WOD to my liking:
Complete in any order:
50 abmat sit-ups
40 push-ups
30 pistols
20 dumbbell push press (20 lbs each)
10 ring rows
Tuesday, back at the gym, it was Mr. Joshua–and I could definitely tell the relaxin has already kicked in this pregnancy on the run. I was super happy to be able to say I completed a WOD Rx, which rarely happens these days.
4 rounds for time:
400 meter run
30 sit-ups
15 deadlifts at 105 lbs
Wednesday, Grandma Hobson was here for the day so I made a quick trip to CrossFit 120 after work to take advantage of it. We started off with 5×5 deadlifts, and I stopped at 135lbs. Ironically, the WOD was similar to Mr. Joshua, so I scaled a bit.
12 minute AMRAP:
150 meter row
15 deadlifts at 95 lbs (145 lbs was RX for girls–eek!)
15 deficit push-ups (finally relegated myself to doing them on my knees)
15 sit-ups
It’s back to the gym this afternoon for a scaled version of Linda, and then a chipper on Saturday morning. Five WODs in one week. Saying it out loud makes me giddy. Hope Baby #2 is enjoying it as much as I am.