When I first started blogging back in 2010, I was creating and posting a few recipes a week. Back then before kids, I had plenty of time on my hands and well as energy. Since my first son was born at the end of 2011, my recipe postings have been minimal, but I wanted to create a recipe index that would help me find old favorites as well as benefit anyone else who stumbles across my blog. Just a simple click of Recipes in the top navigation will take you to the index.
Many of the recipes are paleo or paleo + dairy, but keep in mind that in 2010 ingredients such as agave nectar weren’t as controversial as they are now. Just remember that said ingredients can most always be substituted with something else (i.e. raw honey, maple syrup, coconut sugar, etc.). I’ve always found that the best recipes are those I tweak to my own liking anyway.
I’ve heard from several people that they still make certain recipes on a regular basis. And though there are a few staple recipes that I make several times a year such as German Rouladen, Texas Chili and Buffalo Chicken Soup, I realized that there are others I haven’t made in a few years.

Oh, also at the bottom of the index, I made a section for Recommended Recipes. I love when I stumble across other incredible recipes, and I have random lists on my phone or websites bookmarked. So I thought why not keep these tasty recipes in one place and also share them with others.
My favorite Paleo Banana Bread recipe from Peanut Butter Runner.