Fourth Pregnancy Mom Tips

Halfway Point: 20 Weeks Pregnant

It’s hard to believe I’m more than halfway through my fourth pregnancy. Even though I’ve got 5 months under my belt, I know these next 18 to 20 weeks will get hard right when summer hits, it’s 100 degrees outside, the kids are out of school and with me 24/7 and my belly keeps growing week by week. But the plan is to tackle one week at a time and spend as much time as we can in the water.

20 week ultrasound

Last Friday, I had my 20-week anatomy ultrasound. I already knew it was a boy based on a blood test in the first trimester, but it was great to seem him squirming on the screen. He is measuring about half a week ahead at this point, but looks great and healthy. The tech commented three times about how active he was, warning me that it may be painful in late pregnancy if he keeps up this level of gymnastics. That should be fun!

Scarlett is obsessed with my sonograms. She carried around my 12-week sonogram for weeks.

I’m so grateful to get a good report on baby boy, but I did learn that I have a low lying anterior placenta, the first I’ve ever had. The tech didn’t seem too concerned, but the midwife I met with afterwards was very cautionary, especially when she learned that I enjoy working out. I will have another ultrasound at 28 weeks to check to see if my placenta has moved up, which happens in the majority of cases. But if for some reason it moves down, it could cause placenta previa and cover my cervix, causing me to deliver via c-section. I’m praying it moves up at this point, but know it’s really out of my hands. I’m cutting back my workouts for the next two months, giving up lower body weights that involve my core. I’m still rethinking my workout plan, but am basically avoiding weights and any type of impact training (jump rope, box jumps, etc). I will be doing more walking (perfect with the arrival of spring) and may even try the elliptical again (it’s been more than a decade!).

Honestly, this knowledge has put me a little on edge just because I wasn’t expecting it. But I’m trying to focus on the positives (a healthy baby) and focus on what I can do (alter my workouts).

20 weeks pregnant

Besides this one selfie, I honestly have no good pictures of the bump. And obviously, it’s hard to get a good angle of the bump with a selfie. I’m sure I’ll get more pictures as the bump continues to grow. I do feel like the bump gets bigger faster with each subsequent baby. And of course, by bedtime my stomach seems to have grown an extra four inches in a matter of 12 hours.

Though Beau was due the first of August and came exactly two weeks early in mid July, I never experienced any swelling with him. But for this baby, I don’t know what to expect. I think I will have to be more careful about limiting my salt intake and increasing water intake. I had gained just under 12 pounds at my 20-week appointment (though I thought it would have been more), but that’s on track with what I had gained with Scarlett at this point.

I’ve been having Braxton Hicks since 18 weeks. And even now have them so often it’s a bit alarming. The midwife said it’s normal to get them earlier with each baby, and I know with Scarlett I got them at 22 weeks. I felt the first movement at 16 weeks and almost thought myself crazy. But it wasn’t the typical kind of movement, rather I could feel the baby hitting my bladder when it was full. It was a crazy feeling. I’ve felt more of the typical movements since about 18 weeks, best I can remember. I read you are supposed to feel less movement with an anterior placenta, but so far for me, that hasn’t been the case.

Hopefully I’ll have a good report at 28 weeks, for both my placenta and my glucose screening!



I'm a full-time wife and semi-stay-at-home mom to four young kids. Day to day, I help my husband with his small business, but when I have any extra time, you can find me cooking or being active outdoors with my family. We live at the foothills of the North Georgia mountains and are embracing modern homesteading month by month.

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