Yesterday was near perfect. While most Atlantans were still sleeping, I was out and about stocking up on groceries from Trader Joe’s. Have I mentioned how much I love grocery shopping? For real. I’m a dork 🙂
We squeezed in some family time before James took the motorcycle up for a leisure ride around Red Top Mountain.
JM is into this new no-lips look. He just started doing it recently, and it’s hilarious. Daddy is into this new mohawk look. It is also quite hilarious.
After pool time, it was a mad rush to prep for entertaining James’ brother Brad and our friend Chris Bair for dinner. At the end of the night, I told James that if I could entertain every night, I would. Then I thought better of it. If I could entertain once a week, I would.
For appetizer, we tried out a new cheese I got at Trader Joe’s: creamy toscano soaked in Syrah. It was amazing. Then I just stacked cucumber and pearl tomatoes, with a little hummus sandwiched in between.
And we sampled a wine that Brad brought, as well as our favorite, Apothic Red.
And on a whim I made a quick dessert, melted chocolate sprinkled with coconut flakes and roasted, salted pecans–cooled in the freezer.
Dinner was sauted white pangasus, strawberries, roasted zucchini and a saute of brussels sprouts, bacon, garlic and butternut squash.